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Jakob Ehn

Active Solution
Senior Consultant
Jakob has over 15 years of experience with professional software development in the Microsoft space, and currently works as a senior developer at Active Solution, specializing in DevOps and Cloud architecture.

Jakob is a Microsoft Visual Studio ALM MVP Reconnect and also a Visual Studio ALM Ranger. He speaks regularly at conferences and user groups, such as DevSum, Tech Days, TechX and SweNug. He has published three books about Visual Studio DevOps tools, “Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio ALM 2015”, ”Pro Team Foundation Service” and “Team Foundation Server 2012 Starter”. At his spare time Jakob loves to hang out with his family and to cook, you can often find him hoovering in the kitchen trying out some new recipes.

Session: Running Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure

My Speakers Sessions

Wednesday, October 17

6:00am EDT